Ladies and Gentlemen,
Roman, as my former co-host, would be easy for me to defend but honestly he has many negatives about him also. None of these should be made public by me or others. There are many things I could mention, but this in philosophy is called an ad hominem attack.
An ad hominem attack is basically a form of discreditation of an individual by defaming their character rather than their argument. Now you see, when it comes to politics often the argument is framed in what is called political hyperbole. As the Supreme Court of the United States put it; political hyperbole is language that is “pointed, exaggerated, and heavily laden with emotional rhetoric and moral outrage.” It is not meant to be taken literally and is incapable of being proven true or false in many instances. Politicians engage in political hyperbole all the time, as do journalists.
One of the problems with the 21st century, which finds its origin in the protestant enlightenment namely sola scriptura, is this idea that texts must be interpreted literally. Forms of allegory are beyond most individuals these days. In other words what it says it what it is, and nothing more. This results in the fact that many people are no longer able to read or listen for comprehension, meaning most jump the gun and make uninformed decisions that mean little.
Take for example the idea that South Africa will become like Zimbabwe. Little is discussed in terms of the Gukurahundi massacres from 1983 to 1987, the ethnic cleansing that occurred to the former supporters of Ian Smith and so forth. South Africa has none of these experiences and yet those very experiences led to the Zimbabwe of today. The reality is historical context is rarely taken into account. Why is that so? Well the ad hominem attack is against South Africa as a land, and don't get me wrong it has many problems, but it also to a degree a form of political hyperbole. Taking it literally makes many individuals do things that would otherwise be unwise to do.
News Today
Why is all this relevant? Roman has for a long time engaged in political hyperbole. Its what he has done on social media. Many who engage with him, so called enlightened individuals, should and would know this. Taking everything he says seriously would be silly.
However, to take what he says and use as a form of ad hominem attack is nothing short of insidious. Take for example the attack by Gabriel Crouse against Roman today, labelling him 'racist'.
This is the second time he has done this. During the The Big Debate S12 E05, Crouse then labelled Roman a 'racist' for his social media posts. But one has to ask the question why?
The answer is simple, Roman dared to suggest that blacks are not liberals, and Crouse is a liberal. Crouse took this as a personal insult. Now if you ask my friend, the Crown Prince Adil Nchabeleng, he would most likely agree with Roman that blacks are not liberal. He would argue that many would consider themselves to be Right Wing Christian Conservatives. So does that make the Prince of the Pedi People racist?
This form of ad hominem attack is more insidious when you consider that Crouse was more than willing to use Roman's platform for the purposes of self-promotion. He collaborated with Roman at MorningShot on more than one occasion for the purposes of promoting his own self-interests and the campaigns he was directly working on.
Crouse who once suggested that he would be willing to move with his wife to the USA suggests that a South African who wishes to remain in South Africa, go into government, and fix things that are broken is the problem. As they say with friends like this, who needs enemies.
The entire article reeks. If Crouse had an opinion on the matter he should have kept it to himself. What does he want John to do? Fire Roman? For what? Upsetting his feelings? When one sees behaviour like this it becomes difficult in future to take any works or publications by an actor with bad intent seriously. I for one find the entire event distasteful and unfortunate.
Crouse can find himself 'cancelled' from MorningShot.
Have a blessed day everyone.