Low and behold, Jesus said: “I am. The way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me”. And Pope Francis responded, “hang on there Jesus, that’s a bit bigoted of you”.
For over 2000 years the fundamental thesis of Christianity is a truth claim. That truth claim, regardless of whether you believe in it is, God became flesh and dwelled amongst us so that through his mortal vessel we too could reach God. For centuries the Jews held that there was an invisible gap between man and God which man could never traverse. This is symbolized by the yamaka which they wear on their head. God is above the yamaka, and the yamaka reminds them of the barrier between the mortal and the divine. Jesus breaks this paradigm, he as God goes under the yamaka and meets man on his own terms. In doing so he suffers the human experience, is crucified because of human transgressions but transcends human limitation and resurrects.
The resurrection is the most important part of the story. I am reminded that in the early 60s the top time for a 100m sprint was deemed pretty much set. No one could beat it, until finally it was one day broken. Once it was broken, for the first time in years and years, it was broken again a further 3 times in the same event. In effect, once someone showed the way, it became easier to replicate.
Many psychologists use this story to show that from a psychological perspective, most things are simply a matter of belief. We are reminded of this, because Jesus effectively does the same job but in relation to the resurrection.
Paul however takes the entire story one step further. He points to the old testament ritual of sacrifice for the forgiven of sins. In the book of Leviticus it describes what these sacrifices were, effectively being ascension offerings, gift offerings, peace offerings, purification offerings and guilt offerings. A guilt offering was like offering up a Dove as a sacrifice in remorse for a sin. This effectively rendered sin transactional. Its okay to cheat on your wife, so long as you can afford the bull for the guilt offering. This mistake would be repeated many years later by the Catholic Church through the sale of indulgences, which effectively did the same thing.
The entire point of Jesus’ crucifixion according to New Testament Theology is to pay the final 'offering' price. He became the ultimate offering and through that offering effectively ended the entire 'offering' system in itself. You could scoff at this but from a historical perspective virtually every people on the globe engaged in some form of human sacrifice as some point in time, and the story of the crucifixion was used as the justification to end that practice, least we forget that in 2024 no one considers human sacrifice acceptable and that did not happen through chance now did it.
These 3 themes are what make Christianity, well, Christianity. The God who dwelt amongst us, the God who resurrected and the ultimate sacrifice of a God who died for our sins. Without these truth claims there is no Christianity and without Christianity we effectively re-establish the divide between man and the divine as symbolized by the yamaka.
Again, this is not to establish the veracity of these truth claims. It is simply to point out facts of theological importance for Christians themselves.
It is with all the above in mind that I find it odd that Pope Francis decided to proclaim that “all religions are paths to God”. He claimed that “religions are like languages, paths to read God. Some Sikh, some Muslim, some Hindu and some Christian”. As a Christian he is dogmatically obligated to not believe that. Christians are diametrically obligated to believe that they alone have access to the true God through Jesus Christ. The entire scriptures obligate this. It is so clear that it is phrased in the immortal verse, John 3:16, and is again repeated in John 14.6 – to name just 2 verses off the top of my head.
Why then did the Pope decide to make this statement?
And the answer is far easier to understand than you might think. The Pope declared in 2022 that “If I see the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist and so Too is Jesus”. This approach is hardly surprising given that the Pope is a native Argentinian, a country which for centuries now has been plagued by Socialism and Communism to the point of brain rot. Thank God for Javier Milei.
A key tenant of the Communist Manifesto sees all truth claims as being nothing more than relativistic viewpoints which reflect the conditions of material existence, and the ruling ideas of each age. In effect there is no eternal truth, just the “truth” of today as ordained by the ruling class. This moral relativism effectively states that there is no right/wrong, both are arbitrary and transitory, determined by the individual or the culture. Christianity holds the complete counter viewpoint.
So what happens then when you have a Pontiff who doesn’t believe in the moral absolutism of the truth claims he is obligated to protect and proclaim? Well, it’s that all paths lead to God and that Jesus is just another one of them. There is nothing special to being a Christian. Might as well be a Muslim, or a Hindu.
Ultimately this is not a story about the Pope being unable to defend the Christian faith, it is actually a symptom of the crisis of the West. The reason the Pope claims to take this relativistic approach is because he doesn’t want to “cause an argument”. Forgetting for one second that that is his job. To defend the faith and proclaim it. Instead he says, who am I to tell you that my truth is greater than yours – and the answer Mr Pope is, well, the Pope – the successor of Peter, the proclaimer of the one true God. I would have thought that was self-evident in your job title.
But you see, we see this time and time again in the West. The West’s truth claims are simply put denigrated and made morally relativistic to the ideas of other cultures and societies. Yes North Korea starves its people, brain washes them and denies them any human freedom, but who are we to say that is not a good thing. We see this in the ideas of anti-racism, which is just reverse racism, but its not racism when they do it – its reparations?
There are no more truth claims according to the New World Order, just a beige bland mix of ‘culture integration’, relativistic norms and a society which doesn’t believe in its own cultural consistency. Asserting that you have answers where others might not is now considered violence, as we see in the West.
Some argue that this embrace of modern ideas is the Papacy’s attempt to modernize itself and attract new congregants. Its an attempt, they say, at gaining new relevancy. But you see, the Church is obligated to not bolt itself onto the spirit of the age, but instead to hold true to the universal truth it proclaims across all ages. Again, I would have thought this was self-evident. It is the attempt to marry the age to the Church that is causing the Church harm in the first place, not embracing its tradition. For example, statistically speaking more people left the Church after it abandoned the centuries old traditional latin mass rather than for its stance on LGBT Relationships.
And this unfortunately is what we keep seeing from global leaders time and time again. These boomers who lost faith with the culture they inherited. Rather than attempting to keep them in custodianship for the next generation, their continued attempt to destroy what they inherited thinking that somehow they knew better than their predecessors. They don't, and all we end up with is cultural suicide and a people who don't understand where they come from, who they are, or where they are going. Look at current Generation of kids for confirmation of this. Most don't even know what a Female is. The new highlight of life it would seem is to become a beige economic unit - and nothing more. How exciting...
Herein lies the cure to this madness. Embrace tradition, embrace conservativism, hold true to the truth claims you inherit. Don't be like the false Pope who so readily gives away the tradition he is sworn to uphold. Instead remember, the church may look like it will die, but ultimately it never will for its founder knew how to cheat death. Rather than learn from people who wish to pull down your society, read old books by people who built society instead. Reject the new order of moral relativism for this is the path to obscurity and ultimately to hell. The Pope might very well be a heretic but we don't have to be.
But that’s just my view, please do let me know what you think in the comments section below.