If you’ve been reading my Substack, you know that I have long warned against White males serving in the US military. The empire (because that is what the US is now) long ago declared war on White males in its media, schools, government, corporations, and other institutions. Over the course of the history of the United States, White males have been the backbone of the US military and have been the number one demographic of wounded and killed in the country’s war.
Thus, White males have done more than enough to defend the country when it was a republic, and they certainly bear no responsibility now whatsoever to fight, kill or die for it now that it is a dollar-based empire designed to keep the entire world in its grasp for the benefit of the oligarchs who control the empire. It is “diversity’s” turn to step up and start becoming the vast majority of wounded or dead soldiers. After all, “diversity” is our strength, isn’t it? So let all the “diverse” groups get shot and blown apart to “defend democracy and freedom.” 🙄
Tom Cruise: The Pied Piper of White male destruction
Yet, there is a malignant presence in Hollywood that some might call a Pied Piper of destruction for White males, and his name is Tom Cruise. Cruise has been the one putting out the “Top Gun” military propaganda movies that are designed to encourage White males to sign up for the US military.
Cruise’s propaganda efforts to con White males just won him an award for being an “outstanding recruiter” for the US Navy:
Online critics are slamming the US Navy's decision to award Tom Cruise the highest honor a civilian can receive - with many calling the achievement a 'joke.'
The movie star, 62, was given the US Navy Distinguished Public Service Award by US Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro.
He was credited with promoting Naval service throughout his career, specifically by starring in the Top Gun movie franchise.
The Washington Post reported that the popular films most likely would not have been made without the support they received from the Pentagon.
The DOD offered directors the use of aircrafts and a naval air station for $1.8 million - an astounding deal considering one of those aircrafts could have cost about $38 million, according to the Post.
Despite the harsh feedback, some fans praised Cruise and deemed him a worthy recipient.
One X user wrote: 'Tom Cruise has done more than you, or I, to make the Navy a conspicuous choice for millions of Americans.
'He's a damn good actor and through his roles he's highlighted the Navy, in a uniformly positive way, and humanized military service as well.'
Another supporter called Cruise 'the Navy Recruiter of the Century.'
A press release from the US Navy states: 'His efforts in the film industry have increased public awareness and appreciation for the Navy’s highly trained personnel and the sacrifices they make while in uniform.
Take a look at Cruise and the medals he was given for pumping out his death-to-White-males propaganda movies:
Let me be blunt here: Screw Tom Cruise and screw “Top Gun.” I remember when the first “Tom Gun” movie was released back in the 80s. The country, government and other institutions were very different back then. I had no problem with that film when it was released, but that country and the human society it was released in no longer exist.
I despise Tom Cruise for releasing the most recent “Tom Gun” film, and I said so to a friend of mine when he made a positive comment about it. I told him flat out that it was likely to get some White males killed by brainwashing them into signing up for the empire’s military. I meant what I said, and I stand by it to this very day. Tom Cruise is an asshole whose military propaganda should be immediately and completely dismissed by White males, especially young ones of military service age.
Tom Cruise - who has never served in the military and is too old to be drafted - had no business releasing that second “Top Gun” movie whatsoever. As soon as I read about it when it was released, I began to fear that young White males would see it and feel called to sign up for the US military, not understanding that the woke communists who control the US military will take great delight in sending them to their deaths in whichever war the Neocons start next with Iran, Russia, China, or some other country.
There were many on the right who praised that damned movie because it “wasn’t woke” or because they thought it defended traditional masculinity. Some of these people were stupid fools who were too dumb to understand the potential consequences for young White males from watching that movie, while others were rotten, depraved Neocons who salivated at the thought of getting millions of young White males to volunteer to be wounded or killed in their next war for Israel.
I cannot convey how much I despise Tom Cruise for what he did. I have never liked him much as an actor, but I detest him now with a white-hot intensity. That manipulative piece of crap used his fame, money and connections to the military to put out a piece of propaganda that put a bullseye on millions of young, White males who were potentially naive enough to believe his bullshit. So I spit on Tom Cruise for that second Top Gun movie.
Remember this, White males: Tom Cruise is an establishment multi-millionaire. He doesn’t give a shit about you or your life. Your death in a war would not affect him in the least. He would still ride around on his private plane, live in his mansions, drive his expensive cars, and live the life of the ultra-wealthy, privileged elite. But you? You might be dead in the ground or horribly wounded in a way that would make the rest of your life a living hell.
Pete Hegseth: Luring White males back into the military
Now all of this brings me to Pete Hegseth, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of War. Oh, excuse me, they don’t use that word anymore; now they call it “Secretary of Defense.” Yeah, let’s consider that for a moment. The US is a country surrounded by two giant oceans, and no other country has the ships, planes, tanks, etc. to even consider invading the country. If “defense” was what the Pentagon was all about, they only need to have the best missile defense in the world and the ability to secure the country’s borders. They certainly don’t need more than 800 bases around the world or the absurd relics from WW 2 aircraft carriers.
Beware of Pete Hegseth too, White males! His job is to go into the Pentagon and change things to make the military more attractive and accommodating for you. Do you think he is going to do this for your benefit? Do you think he or Trump cares about your safety and well-being? Oh no, Hegseth’s task is to set up the conditions for you to think it is safe and good for you to start signing up to fight, kill and die for the empire.
The military recruitment crisis rattled the oligarchs who own and control the empire, and they realized they had whipped White males with the woke communist lash too harshly. So Hegseth is being sent in to correct that mistake and lure in as many White males to fight, kill and die for the empire’s upcoming wars with Iran, China, and Russia.
I will repeat what I have said before: I voted for Trump, and I’m glad he won. But White males should NOT trust him or Hegseth in any way whatsoever when it comes to the US military. No matter how much you like Trump or Hegseth, neither one of them gives a damn about you personally. Do NOT fall into the trap that is being laid for you, White males. STAY OUT OF THE US MILITARY!
And the next time that establishment-sell-out, piece-of-shit Tom Cruise releases another military propaganda movie, tell him to fuck off and don’t watch it. 🤬