Note to readers: If you are in any way sympathetic to the Hollywood celebrities because of recent events, I urge you to skip this article. Depart now, and you will avoid any feelings of outrage that will inevitably be generated by this post. You have been warned. 🧐
Let me begin this post by saying that my heart goes out to the ordinary people, firefighters and other first responders, and to any animals caught in the fires that have roared through Hollywood and LA. May God protect them all. 🙏🏻
With that out of the way, let me also state that I do not care about the wealthy celebrities who have lost everything, with a few exceptions such as James Woods. He’s always been a good egg, despite being too much of a boomer in his politics. I feel bad for guys like him, and I wish him and his family well. I am sorry for what happened to them.
But for the most part, I simply do not give a crap about the rest of the Hollywood trash. Does that sound mean or even vicious to you? I certainly hope so, because these scumbags have been looking down their noses at people like us for a very long time. For many years, they have lived in their elite enclaves, separated from the rest of us as they looked down on us and spewed whatever retarded political narratives they had floating around in their drug- and booze-addled minds.
Many of these people are multi-millionaires or even billionaires. They have, for a very long time, used their wealth and celebrity status to spit in the face of working-class people, spewing whatever woke garbage is in vogue at the moment. How many times have we seen these assholes on social media, TV, etc. acting holier-than-thou and presuming to lecture the rest of us on what is morally acceptable and what is not?
Moreover, the Hollywood trash is arrogant on a level that most working-class people cannot understand. These vapid morons have lived in luxury, separated from “the common people” for so long that they thought they were immune from the dangers that all of us face each day as we go through our lives. Their smug faces are now covered in soot, and they have been bitch-slapped by reality as a natural disaster has upended their lives and cost them dearly.
On a purely human level, I should perhaps feel sorry for them, right? Well, fortunately, I am undead, not human. So I am exempt from feeling any sense of obligation except for a few, like James Woods. The rest of them can go to Hell (where Lucifer waits for them anyway) because I have no sympathy for them after living through the last 35 years of their sanctimonious, evil bullshit.
If you ask me, the Hollywood trash has gotten a comeuppance of sorts. They have been cast down from their high places, onto their faces, into the dirt. Some people will say it was karma, others will say it was an act of God, while still others might say it was all just a coincidence. Whatever you believe, what has happened to the woke commies in Hollywood seems to me to be a massive bitch-slap across their faces.
My perspective on this is not just informed by class issues, though those are important too. But the political angle is the biggest thing here for me. Hollywood has long been ground zero for woke communism. The movie studios and other propaganda outlets have pumped out one TV show and movie after another filled with woke communist propaganda. Even profits have been put aside to push that evil ideology on the country.
The state and local governments in California have been so rife with the woke commie bullshit, to the point where they stupidly didn’t even have water available to fight the fires:
Here’s an image that tips you off to how the state of CA and city of LA were run:
I wonder how many White males were discriminated against by the state of California when they attempted to get jobs as firefighters and other first responders? I wonder what that discrimination has now cost the rich celebrities in Hollywood as the fires destroyed their homes? 🤔
Think I’m kidding? Get a load of the “racial equity” plan by the LA Fire Department:
And watch this video of the woke idiot mayor who goes catatonic after being asked why she cut the fire department budget.
Way back in 2019, Trump was warning Governor Newsom to deal with the problem of wildfires, but Newsom didn’t listen, and neither did anybody else in the California state government:
Trump also talked to Joe Rogan about how California diverts millions of gallons of water into the Pacific Ocean to protect a fish.
Trump lashed out again today on Truth Social:
Can you guess who the rich celebrities in Hollywood no doubt voted for to be the mayor of LA? Who they voted for to be the governor? Can you guess how many of those celebrities supported EVERYTHING the Democratic supermajorities in the state government, and the corrupt trash governor Newsom did? You better bet most of them supported all of it. Don’t believe me? Go onto social media and check what they’ve been saying for the last 8 years. You'll get an eyeful of Trump hate, but who has been proven right about all the wildfire and water issues? TRUMP!
Do you see now why I do not care about these Hollywood celebrities? They are getting exactly what they voted for, and the best part is that you and I had nothing to do with it. We didn’t tell them to vote for a woke moron like that mayor, a lying scumbag like Newsom, or the Democratic super-majorities in the legislature. They did it all on their own, and now they are reaping the rewards.
Serves them all right. 🧐