Today, I turn to you with a heart filled with hope and longing, from the depths of life in Gaza. I have a dream that transcends the ugly borders that war and destruction have placed on us. I am Momen Jamal Abu Shuqair, only 23 years young, and I have spent my whole life growing in circumstances that have hindered and suppressed me and my beautiful family.
However, things changed when October came around, and the cursed war changed everything we know and uprooted our lives. My workplace was destroyed by bombing, and losing access to the internet has stopped me from being able to work at all or even privately on my own. My livelihood and life has changed completely, and I cannot pursue my passion and put my energy into it. What were once aspirations and dreams I wished to achieve seem to be extremely far away now. All I wish for now is for your help in getting me and my family away from this terrifying nightmare. Gaza is losing safety by the day, and it seems like it has no more peace or hope of living life at all. Even the task of finding a job seems extremely far fetched now.
The goal of this campaign is to gather enough funds to evacuate my family across the border to Egypt and to safety. It has gotten extremely dangerous in Gaza, and we’ve lost our family house . All of our past life, hopes, and dreams have crashed and been buried under the rubble. As a result we have sought refuge in the Mawasi/ Khan Younis area where we have fortunately found safety from the genocide temporarily. Since then my main goal has been to get my family across the border to safety. All we wish for is to leave together in peace, and to have our basic human rights and safety protected.
Unfortunately, Leaving Gaza has become more difficult, as a payment of $5000 (per adult ) and $2500 (per child) is required to gain entry authorization from the Egyptian border authority. Additionally, we are in need of funds to cover our living expenses, and as a family of 9 our monthly living expenses equate to $4000. Otherwise, we’d be running from one death to another.
Show your support to this campaign. Help me and my family start a new life and give us a chance to start over and fulfil our dreams that were brutally destroyed. Every and any donation you give us will have a massively positive impact. My family and I are deeply grateful for all and any of your support. If you cannot donate, please consider sharing the link with your friends who you think are able to support us. I thank each and every one of you so very much for your generosity and goodness.