
Apr 22, 2021

Hi Chups!

What do I do ?
I share my passion of drawing and video games on Twitch.
In real life, I'm a full-time Product designer (web designer) but I'm also a part-time freelancer now as illustrator and content creator.

Why a BuyMeACoffee page?
Well, your support will help me to allocate more time to my passion and also improve my stuff to give you a better experience on my livestream.

Discord ?
My discord is free to join. However there is a "Mécène" only section which is for people who support me. The grade is lifetime, just support me once on Twitch or here.

Twitch ?
I stream on wednesday, friday and sunday around 21:00 GMT +2 (Brussels).
The content is variable and detailed in the planning section of the discord. The atmosphere is chill so don't hesitate to come and discuss!

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