(New Post) Video Training: Mobile Home P ...

(New Post) Video Training: Mobile Home Paperwork (Sellers)

Feb 24, 2023


So I just released a new video training class on the paperwork you should use as a mobile home investor which is the first part in this series about working with mobile home sellers:


In my video training class, I go over the following:

  • Types of paperwork you'll need when working with sellers

  • Why you need this paperwork and what it's for

  • Where to find the paperwork to work with mobile home sellers and additional resources

  • Best practices when using paperwork for your mobile home investing business

  • How to present the paperwork when working with sellers including the right verbiage to use

  • How to review the paperwork yourself and with mobile home sellers for your deals

  • My thoughts on paperwork and the role it plays

  • What really makes you successful as a mobile home investor

  • Process of using paperwork and presenting it to sellers

  • What's really important when working with mobile home sellers and why

  • How to build rapport and trust with sellers when putting deals together

  • What really matters to sellers when selling their mobile homes

  • My viewpoints on local investors versus out of the area investors

  • Types of sellers to work with and why including the follow-up process to get more deals

  • What you should be thinking when meeting with mobile home sellers and why

  • My views on lawsuits and how they work

  • My personal experience with lawsuits as a real estate investor and mobile home investor

  • Negotiating process when working with sellers and how it works

  • Most important asset to have as a real estate investor

  • My progression of the types of paperwork I used when I first started out as a mobile home investor

  • How to get sellers to sign with you as a mobile home investor

  • Title transfer process and what's involved when doing mobile home deals

  • My thoughts on deposits and what I do when working with sellers

  • How I close my deals with mobile home sellers from beginning to end including what I do before, during and after closing

  • What stops people from being successful and what you can do about it

  • How to work with the park manager when working with sellers

  • How to work with contractors during the negotiating process

  • My closing checklist including other documents I use that other investors may not use and where to find them

  • Fix up process after closing and how I do it including how I work with the park manager during this time

  • Different styles between how I do things versus my mentors including how and why I work this way

  • and so much more!

In this 2-hour video training class, you'll learn my exact step-by-step process when working with sellers from beginning to end including the types of paperwork I use to close my deals and where to find them.

Plus, you'll learn how I work with sellers during the negotiating process and how I ease the paperwork into the conversation to make sellers comfortable signing with me. I share with you the exact verbiage I use when talking and negotiating with sellers including when and how to present the paperwork.

And, I walk you through my entire closing process from beginning to end once I have a signed agreement including how I work with park managers during this time. I take you through the entire closing process during the due diligence period including how the title transfer works and steps to take before, during and after closing.

Also, I share with you what I do after closing to ensure a smooth transition including how I fix up homes and how I work with park managers at this stage in the process. You'll learn how I do things differently from my past mentors and why including stories and life lessons I've learned along the way.

You'll have full access to this video training class and be able to ask me questions, should you have any. And, I provide you with a list of resources for the class to help you as well.

So if you're interested and want to learn about the types of paperwork to use when working with mobile home sellers including my entire closing process from beginning to end, check out the video training class. It'll save you both time and money, which you can use for your business.

Sign up as a member today to get exclusive access!

And just in case you missed it, here's my video on what you get as a valued member:

Thanks for your support! :)

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