(New Post) Expert Interview: Marketing S ...

(New Post) Expert Interview: Marketing Strategies for Mobile Home Investors

Jun 14, 2024

So I just released another expert interview with Adrian Smude (Lifestyle-REI.com), a mobile home investor and author, where we talk all about marketing strategies for mobile home investors:

In the expert interview, you'll learn the following:

  • Adrian Smude's background and how he got into the mobile home industry and got started as a mobile home investor

  • Advanced marketing strategies for real estate investors and how to make marketing fun

  • How Adrian learned the best marketing strategies that worked for him

  • His process of test marketing and how Adrian analyzes data to make decisions

  • How to cater your personality to fit marketing strategies that work for you

  • Adrian's marketing journey including what strategies worked in the beginning versus what marketing strategies work now

  • Perspective on direct mail including what has worked and not worked

  • Trial and error process and frugal marketing tips for new mobile home investors

  • What online tools and resources Adrian has used including those that work versus those that do not

  • Best lead sources today that work for Adrian to find motivated sellers

  • How to take seller calls when the phone starts ringing

  • Adrian's exact marketing schedule including what marketing methods he did for 5 years straight to find motivated sellers

  • How to take calls and weed people out

  • Recommended marketing strategies for beginner mobile home investors on a limited budget

  • How to build credibility as a mobile home investor online as well as locally

  • Advice on wholesaling deals versus buying and holding

  • Guidance on online marketing and how much you need to budget as a beginner mobile home investor

  • and more!

In this expert interview, we talk about Adrian's journey as a mobile home investor specifically with his marketing process and how he finds motivated sellers. We talk about what marketing methods worked in the beginning versus what works now including Adrian's best tips to help beginning mobile home investors on a limited marketing budget.

Also, Adrian talks about his experience testing different marketing strategies both locally and online including the best tools and resources that have worked for him. He shares his experience on what has worked both locally and online with his marketing efforts for his own mobile home investing business.

Adrian shares his perspective on what beginning investors should do when it comes to starting out with a limited marketing budget. He talks about his top recommended strategies for mobile home investors just starting out with advice on an exact marketing plan for investors who want to do a deal in 30 days or less.

Plus, he provides a FREE checklist to help mobile home investors market themselves to success. And, he talks about how to build credibility online as well as locally as a mobile home investor while also sharing the tools and resources to do it.

In this expert interview, you'll get the inside scoop on what exactly you should do to market yourself as a mobile home investor to start generating leads and finding motivated sellers to work with. And, you get access to all of the tools and resources to do it.

With this and future expert interviews, you get direct access to Adrian including the ability to contact him anytime should you have any questions about anything we talked about in this interview.

So if you'd like to learn more, check out the expert interview and let me know what you think.

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