The pile of floorboards are a mixture of teak floorboards and larch floorboards. It appears that the forward end of the boat's interior had teak floorboards as far back as the main cabin bulkhead and then they are again in the cockpit, the cockpit sole being teak.
The other areas of the interior are larch floorboards, which appear to be a little odd as the main cabin and the aft cabin were used mostly by the owner and his family and friends. These floorboards mush at sometime be covered with lino or some other hard wearing floor covering.
Many of the floorboards had to have a large number of steel nails and the other bronze screw to hold they in place.This job my wife Tricia took upon herself to do and give not give up on the job even when the going got tough and some of the fixings were difficult to remove.
Some of the floorboards had ring pull catches which had to be removed to get ready to sand the floorboards back to remove what is left of the old paint and varnish on these floorboards. The sanding for another day.
The plie of floorboards all ready to get sorted into which are going to be sanded and painted and which are goingt to be varnished in the same manner they were when Chance was originally commissioned in 1948.