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Swordbird Song: The Iron Owl Tower by fr ...

Swordbird Song: The Iron Owl Tower by freinicke

May 15, 2024

Swordbird Song: The Iron Owl Tower is an adventure role-play game created by Freinicke made in GB Studio. I edited the game trailer and you may watch it HERE!

Follow the Bird Hero entering the lair of the Iron Owls in this pocket-size Action RPG for Gameboy.

Bird Hero gets their journey interrupted when hit by a lightning bolt and falls on a remote island.

They learn the island is ruled by the Owl King, an evil ruler who enslaves the islanders, making them work in his tower.

Find your way into the Iron Owl Tower, defeat the Owl King, and free the island from his evil!

Don't forget to support independent developers playing their games! and it's always nice if you leave a comment about this game trailer I've made :)

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