Learning Blender and Other Updates

Learning Blender and Other Updates

Aug 19, 2024

Been a while... keep forgetting to post here cus I haven't shared my BMC link with anyone yet lol - should probs retain some semblance of a regular posting schedule or at least remember to post when I have something new :3

Testing to make sure this actually goes to my email when I check the "Email this to my 1 follower" button..

Main reason I don't post here much is i think if i have a lot of pics the pics don't load out well. lets try again and see if its better now...

If all goes well, I'll be using this as a blog for some people I k IRL but don't have social media. nice thing about this is all they need is to enter their email and i can essentially send out updates on my proj or just whatever im working on which is pretty awesome tbh!

As of right now, I have a few things to work on... (all of which are time consuming so i'll take my time with em)

  1. I'm working on 4 scifi animations (all of which are pretty short but take a long time to animate since the focus is on the environment.. ngl even as a PREcrastinator, I tend to Procrastinate on bgs XD)... Still working on the first one... (started with the top right hand corner thumbnail)

    Very much a wip rn...

  2. Made 2 new songs this year.. neither of which have been posted cus I don't have art for them yet... working on the art rn

    Song 1: Sparkling Scifi City

    I actually made this song a few months ago but never posted it since I wanted it to have the 4 scifi bgs im working on but the new song i made is much better than this one so I wanted to post it in order of creation on my youtube channel (can't have people thinking my music making skillz are getting worse lmao) so I decided to separate the two - make a pic for this song and have the scifi anims be their own separate thing.

    Art (WIP):

    Song 2: Uphill Battle at the Top of the World
    Art (WIP):

  3. Learning Blender
    I've set out to try to master Blender the best I can - though my heart lies with 2D, being able to model in 3D is good for drawing backgrounds... and for designing props, plants, etc cus i can model it and change the material with a click instead of rendering it and spending hours drawing it to then decide i want it to look differently... so I would consider 3D to be my PRE-Sketch/Design phase. Once I settle on a design then I'll draw it.

    I like being self sufficient so I'm also learning how to make textures, HDRIs, and Matcaps tho still got a long way to go there.

    Anyways.. here are some doughnuts

    Ignore the bad looking coffee XD

  4. Starting my artbook

    Last but definitely not least, I'm finally starting to work on my artbook bit by bit... took me so long to figure out exactly what dimensions to use for it since i'd like to print at least 1 copy for myself someday.

    Starting an artbook is an overwhelming task. So I watched how the pros did it and they made a layout of roughly what the pages are gonna be like.. so I did.. and it came out to roughly 1000+ pages... yep thats a lot. but I have 2 big worlds to cover and many many factions and characters so... that does seem about right.. I anticipate this taking many years but so long as I fill in the layout page by page, I'll get there eventually :)

    Thanks for reading this far :) Hope you had fun reading it!

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