Do Your Research.

Do Your Research.

May 10, 2023

2 years ago, I got my tubal done. When I say DON'T DO IT. Don't. Honestly, I wish I would of done more research. But, sadly, I didn't. I should of listened to the ladies that said, you will regret it, but I didn't.

I regret it. Not because I want more babies [I've got 4, that's enough], I regret it because it was the worst decision I could ever make. I had bad periods BEFORE I got my tubal done. They are 1000x worse now. My body goes through a whole thing a week before my period now, and I swear to you, it never did. My body breaks out, I get gross everywhere for a week before, during and after my period. I get bad cramps like I'm in labor about to have a baby. I get maybe 1 whole week out of a month where my body is just zen. Like, my hormones aren't out of whack, my moods aren't all over the place.

I've had ladies talk badly about the depo shot and I'm just like maaan, it was THE best for me. Only thing I dealt with was weight gain. I had no periods. And maaaaan, I loved that so much. And now I'm like, I wish I would of just stayed with getting a shot in my hip every 3 months instead of dealing with all of this.

If you are looking for a solution to either not having more babies or none at all, I'd look at othe options. Do your research. If you Dr doesn't help, find a different one that will.


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