I have severe anxiety. It causes me to have fear. It causes me to not take chances and risk that I want/ed so badly to take. Fear can consume us and take over our lives. Anxiety creates fear and it truly does consume me and takes over my life. I have missed tons of opportunities because my anxiety was like "no, that's not going to happen" and I let it control me and my life. I always think of what my life would be like if I took the chances I missed. Where would I be if I had.
As the years have gone by, my anxiety had got worse. I'm not sure what it has caused it to get so bad. But I try hard every day to not let it take control, but it always does. I want to be carefree. I want to be totally happy and content. But my anxiety is like, nope. Not today. And I let it happen!
My whole life, I wanted to own a busines. Something of my own. I have always wanted to be my own boss. I never wanted to work for anyone. But my.fear has always stopped me from taking the risk to start up a business. To leap into the world of businesses owners and take on the challenge that comes with it.
If you are like me, suffering with anxiety and it taking control of your life, just know, you are not alone. Anxiety sucks. And life is so wonderful to be fearful of the what ifs.