Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression

Apr 21, 2023

I struggle with both anxiety and depression daily. Some days, I can drag them along just fine, I'll smile, I'll laugh and I'm even a bit social. But then there are days where they just drown me. And honestly, the past couple months they have been drowning me. On top of other things in my life, I have struggled hard. And being a parent when you are struggling is even tougher. Because you want to be so strong for your kids. You want to be present and happy and always there for them. But some days, you just want to stay in bed and never get up. You want to find the deepest darkest hole and stay there. But you get up, you show up and you make things great and happen for your kids even when you don't want to do any of it.

Just know, you're truly never alone in this battle. So many of us suffer alone, because society tells us to just "get over it." Mental health matters. You matter. And if all you did today was get up out of bed, I'm proud of you. 🩷✌🏻🫶🏻image

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