Behind the Brand Name

Behind the Brand Name

Dec 21, 2020

Hello neighbors!

I have just signed up for this amazing site and wanted to introduce myself properly. First of all you might want to know the name behind the brand so you know what craziness, I mean creator, you are supporting.

My name is Maya and I am a 20 year old girl with ambitions to be a content creator and author. Both are still aspirations at this point but I hope to amend that this year. I love reading, writing, traveling, trying new things, and listening to other people's hopes and goals (also, COFFEE!).

There is nothing better than to see someone's eyes light up in enthusiasm of what you can just tell inspires and/or motivates them. Along with those stories there are those of tragedy, some that spark irritation, and others that if the ideology is mimicked can be quite dangerous.

That is where my channel comes into play.

Miss Opinionated was created when I found the beauty of commentary on YouTube. What seemed harmless enough when it came animosity between creators, a jealousy streak, or even just middle school fighting behavior was soon counteracted by some real problems lurking underneath the surface. Creators seemed to not know it was there or simply did not care because it has been a part of their channel for so long. Worse yet is when they are acknowledging their behavior is getting worse and still not doing anything to correct it for the sake of their fans or even their own personal well-being.

It is truthfully sad to watch some of these top influencers/creators value themselves so little. Now don't get me wrong, there are always problems and the world will never be perfect but we can at least start the conversation to better help those who may or may not be going through similar situations.

In the year 2020 we have seen so many waves of controversy and change. It is uncomfortable, sure, but worth it when you see how many people are starting to view the world from another's eyes. Sometimes we forget that not everyone thinks as we do even though we logically know they do not. It was a beautiful change and one that ignited a fire in the community to start being a change for the future generations.

As a big supporter of such changes I had found a channel to talk about such things on. Across the board I share my thoughts and views with respect and a willingness to not only hear from opposing viewpoint but to have my mind changed.

In summary, I am an adult who is far away from grasping any concept of adulthood let alone being knowledgeable about life in general. That is why I created a platform. To learn, grow, find my passions, and in so doing have found a career.

Thank you so much for enabling a young woman to pursue her dreams, have a deeper and richer understanding of society, and a way to connect with so many amazing people!

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