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Elven Keep with Multiple floors and day/ ...

Elven Keep with Multiple floors and day/night

Feb 07, 2021

Here's an elven keep I made for tonight's game. It's a remote old keep, on the edge of a deep forest, watching for what lies within. 

As always, I use the Roofs and Tiles module and Multi Level Tokens Module in my Foundry games and these maps can be made compatible with those, using the roof pngs for the central tower. I purposely left a "hole" in the stairwell so players could see down into the ground level so I could play with multilevel tokens.

Who prays at the shrine and to whom? Where does the portal go? How do they get their cabbages so tasty? What treasures lie in the pool? And who lives in a tower like this, DMs, it's over to you...

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