Kelowna Comic Con 2024

Kelowna Comic Con 2024

Jun 27, 2024

It has been well over 2 years since I have been to Kelowna. And the last time I was there for any sort of event it was a DISASTER.

I am pretty sure if you have ever talked to me in person or tuned into my stream and the topic of Kelowna got brought up you had probably heard be talk about that show and how terrible of a time I had. It made me super hesitant to ever go back there, but I didn't feel it was fair to write it off completely based on one bad show when there was a whole other organization that was so nice and wanted me there.

So, this year, I gave them a chance.

Was not disappointed!

If I'm being completely honest, Kelowna Comic Con is super small. Like, I'm definitely not making rent from this show by any means. But honestly, its kind of what I needed.

Its a good show to get away from the crazy busy big ones, and you are in a nice scenic setting.

I booked an extra day after the show just to actually enjoy the surroundings. Took some time to check out some local restaurants and shops, hung out around the lake and parks. Just actually took some time to be not at home or at work while still using the convention as the reason for being there in the first place. And it was totally worth it.

HOWEVER, I forgot to take into account my inability to handle the heat. And I am pretty sure I am suffering from some minor heat stroke now. The trip home was full of groggy tired feelings and small waves of nausea. So once I was home I spent a lot of the time on my couch in front of every fan I own while sipping glass after glass of water, and gradually slipping in and out of sleep.

But over heating aside, being able to be out at a convention and then drinking fruity cocktails by a lake surrounded by mountains was a great way to spend a weekend!

The video upload should be coming shortly now that I know how to extract the files and not have the camera delete everything. So it will just be a matter of editing the footage and everything after that! So stay tuned for that.

And until the next adventure....


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