About ⚡ Rishabh Singh
teaching people how to code by creating blog posts and projects ⭐
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”―Winston S. Churchill
Hi there 👋This is Rishabh Singh
My mission is to help small communities & people to learn how to code and making wonderful stuff with the potential to shape the future.
I am a community leader, developer, teacher, blogger and I love both cats & dogs 😸🐶💛🧡
🌟 What I will do with your support?
- I will upgrade my setup
- I can put more time writing and making projects
- I can reach more students & teachers around the world
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Thank you so much for your love & support! With your support, my initiative will be able to reach more teachers, students & passionate people and I will be able to make more high-quality content for everyone to learn and make amazing things.
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