My name is Michele L Kelsey, the founder of Sharing Life and Love, and I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I celebrate recovery from addictions and struggle with perfectionism and other character flaws.
Trust me; I’m far from perfect, but I do have experience, education, and expertise on a plethora of topics! (Bonus: As a fan of Sharing Life and Love, you get to take advantage of that!)
I’m a professional freelance writer, which you can learn more about on my website, Michele L Kelsey. I’m passionate about my faith, volunteering, and recovery.
I love planners, writing, and taking care of my family of 5, including fur babies! ;)
While I have a few degrees, including my MBA, I went back to school to study Bible at Oklahoma Christian University after deciding that a lifetime of going to church and studying the Bible wasn’t enough; I wanted a true, deep understanding and education of the Bible. Plus, I just love learning! Today, I continue to take classes on the Bible!
As a Biblical scholar and lifelong student, I can offer you the expertise you need to study the Bible and apply the Word to your life. My mission is to help you love God as I do.
As you probably figured out, I always strive to be better and love myself more. My goal with the content on Sharing Life and Love is to give you the tools and resources you need to become the best version of yourself by understanding how to do things in concrete ways!
I’m a seasoned volunteer specializing in giving back and loving others from home. I am very passionate about helping people. You just get so much out of giving back - way more than those you help!!
I’ve gone through challenging periods in my life where I wondered if God was even listening to my prayers. But, I’ve learned that my timing for things was just not His timing and that He always knows what’s best. I tend to be rather impatient - something I’m working on!
My goal is to help you grow in your faith in astounding, remarkable ways!
If you are able to prayerfully contribute here at Buy Me a Coffee, it will help me keep Sharing Life and Love FREE for all!!
May God Bless You!!!