10 Things People Always Seem To Get Wron ...

10 Things People Always Seem To Get Wrong About Ramadan

Jun 14, 2023

The practice of abstaining from food and drink throughout the month of Ramadan has turned into more of a routine for many of us and less of a spiritual act for us. We have decided to observe a full day of fasting since it seems that this is the traditional practice in the vast majority of other locations. Even though we have the opportunity to rid our minds and hearts of any evil that may be present right now, we so often fail to take advantage of this opportunity. Because we neglect these things, we do not pray, we do not seek Allah for forgiveness, and we do not beg Him to spare us from being tortured for all eternity. We do not eat or drink anything during our fast, but that is about all that we do differently than usual.

Being asleep throughout the day

During the period of their fast, many individuals choose to stay sedentary by remaining in bed. Is it truly the case that this is what we need to be concentrating on during this particular month of the holy calendar? These individuals are blind to the benefits of fasting because they are trapped by their need for ease and comfort, and as a result, they are unaware of its existence. They are unable to even keep themselves awake, much alone face the possibility of having to deal with even a little bit of hunger or discipline on their own. They cannot even function. Because it demonstrates a lack of duty, it is not appropriate for someone who is fasting to spend the most of their day sleeping. These common blunders are tackled head-on by the checklist that is included with our Best Umrah Packages 2024 for UK pilgrims.

Doing nothing with your time               

It is difficult to find any holy month that may stand in for the month of Ramadan since Ramadan is the holiest month. This time in which we are offered compassion and forgiveness is coming to an end before we have the chance to fully appreciate all it has to offer. If we wish to make the most of this advantage, it is imperative for us to spend as much of our time as we possibly can to the worship of Allah. This is the only way for us to make the most of this opportunity. If we follow these steps, we will be able to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity. On the other hand, some people let their time go to waste by participating in pointless activities such as playing video games, or even worse, they let themselves get distracted in front of electronic media such as the television, movie theater, or stereo. Only God is deserving of any and all honor and glory. Making an effort to please Allah by acting in a manner that is in direct opposition to what Allah has in mind for us! Once you have decided to take advantage of our family umrah package, we ask that you do not squander any time and instead focus on making the most of your vacation in order to satisfy the religious requirement that you are obligated to do.

Abstaining from food while continuing to engage in bad behavior

Even if some of us are fasting, we nevertheless engage in behaviors that are prohibited in Islam. These behaviors include telling lies, using curse words, arguing, backbiting, and so on. Others of us fast, yet we continue to partake in things that are prohibited by Islam, such as trading in haram, committing fraud or theft, purchasing or selling lottery tickets or alcoholic beverages, indulging in adultery, and so on. We do this despite the fact that we are Muslims.


It is forbidden for Muslims to smoke at any time, as stated in one of the hadiths; nevertheless, this rule is enforced more strictly during the month of Ramadan, which is considered to be a holy month. This holds true for all different kinds of tobacco, in addition to other types of "smoking material," such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, Sheesha, hookahs, and other products of a similar kind. Because of this, everyone in the neighborhood, including the person who is smoking, is going to be adversely impacted by the secondhand smoke. In addition to this, it is a way to waste the resources that you have in terms of money.

Suhoor is halted at 'Imsaak'

In order to meet the requirements of the Imsak ritual, some Muslims eat their Suhoor meal ten to fifteen minutes before Fajr. This is the first prayer of the day. According to Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, this is a kind of bid'ah, which the Sunnah does not condone and hence does not recommend. Instead, we should go against what we have just said and follow the advice given in the Sunnah. This "imsaak" that some people adhere to is in direct contradiction to the teachings that Allah has bestowed upon us.

If they didn't eat Suhoor, they wouldn't be fasting

Some individuals are unable to observe the practice of fasting because they are so anxious that they would experience hunger if they do not consume Suhoor. It is possible to relate it to a kind of fragility as well as a disposition toward convenience of usage. The fact that you may have forgotten to eat a few morsels of food is not going to make a substantial difference in the outcome. Keep in mind at all times that surrendering oneself to Allaah is the single most essential thing that can be done to improve one's chances of succeeding. People might begin their fast by announcing their desire to do so or by reciting a particular prayer known as a dua. Both of these actions are considered valid ways to begin fasting. Just having the intention is already an act that originates from the very core of one's being. Tonight is the moment to make a decision, either positively or negatively, on whether or not to fast tomorrow. That is the only thing that is required for it to function properly.

Even though it is not a need for them to do so by the Shariah, some individuals have come up with terms such as "I intend to fast" and "I shall fast tomorrow." In addition, the genuine Sunnah does not need the recital of any particular dua prior to the beginning of the fast. This is because the fasting itself is a prayer. Any so-called "dua" that you could see in newspapers, Ramadan calendars, or other materials that are comparable to these is, in reality, a kind of bid'ah.

Postponing to break fast

Some individuals prefer to "act on the side of caution" and wait until many minutes after the adjaan has ended before taking any action. This strategy is known as "erring on the side of caution." On the other hand, the tradition mandates that the fast be broken as quickly as humanly feasible in order for it to be over as soon as the adhaan begins after the sun has fallen in order for it to be considered successful. Tawakkul on Allah, and break your fast at the precise hour you have determined, depending on the accuracy of your clock, calendar, etc. Tawakkul on Allah, and break your fast at the exact hour you have selected. Invoke Tawakkul upon Allah, and break your fast at the exact hour that you have chosen for yourself.

Consuming continually till the end of Maghrib

Some individuals consume such a large amount of food at iftar that they are unable to make it to the maghrib prayer in time because they stay up too late eating dessert, sipping tea, and engaging in other activities of a similar kind. That is not a choice that is available to you. The Prophet (PBUH) broke his fast with some dates, as was his Sunnah, and then proceeded straight to prayer thereafter. This was an example of how he lived his life. You are free to resume eating anytime you choose once you have completed saying your prayer after you have finished your prayer.

letting go of the golden chance for your Dua to be accepted

Since the person who has been fasting has been doing so for such a long time, it is likely that God will answer their prayers once they break their fast.

Some people do not take advantage of this wonderful opportunity because they are concerned with other tasks, such as cooking samosas, engaging in conversation, arranging the food, topping their plates and drinks, etc., rather than sitting down and reciting the Dua. Consequently, they miss out on the blessings that might have been theirs by doing so. Do not instantly discount the likelihood of it happening. Is it more vital to have the opportunity to have your sins forgiven and to have your Duas answered, or is it more necessary to fulfill your bodily hunger?

Not praying while fasting

A person who does not pray should not presume that their fasting would be accepted since not praying leads to kufr, which is the same as denying the existence of God. A person who does not pray should not think that their fasting would be approved.

Fasting but not covering head
It is a serious offense for Muslim women to break the law by not wearing the hijab, which mandates that they must wear to cover their hair. Even though not wearing a headscarf while fasting does not make the fast itself invalid, it does nullify a significant number of the benefits that come with the act of fasting itself.

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