Should Fathers Get Paternity Leave?

Should Fathers Get Paternity Leave?

Jan 30, 2024

Did you know that father’s being granted PAID paternity leave after the birth of a child is rare in the US? 

At the federal level there is no regulation requiring paid paternity leave though under the Family Medical Leave Act larger (more than 50 employees) employers are required to give a minimum of 12 weeks unpaid, job-secured paternity leave.

But let’s be honest… how many families can afford to have both parents out for 12 weeks of unpaid leave?

Some states have addressed this and set up programs to ensure father’s do have access to paternity leave but the vast majority do not.

When you boil it down less than 21% of new father’s have access to paid paternity leave though their employers. Europe is a bit more progressive giving fathers at least 10 days of paternity leave (while giving mothers at least 4 months).

So what do you think?      

  • How important do you think paternity leave is for men and their children?

  • Should it be mandated that all companies provide leave for new father’s and should it be

  • equal to that of new mother’s?

  • Does your employer offer paid paternity leave?

Let’s discuss!

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