Meg Cox
272 supporters
Winter Check-in From Meg

Winter Check-in From Meg

Jan 26, 2023


I've been working hard on the January issue of Quilt Journalist Tells All! and I think you are going to love it. There are several very newsy reports and an exciting new opportunity for quilters and quilt collectors to share their quilt stories with the public. The issue will land in your in-boxes in just a few days.

This week, in addition to giving two lectures to an Illinois guild (by Zoom), I recorded a Textile Talk with some wise experts about how to label anonymous quilts. I learned a lot that will change not just how I label quilts, but even how I make them going forward. That Talk will first air on February 1 and then be available to watch later on YouTube: I'll share links in my newsletter.

These days I'm spending a lot of time writing articles for Issue 26 of Quiltfolk magazine, all about Mississippi. And man, what an amazing and rich quilt tradition we're finding. The Rhode Island issue is out now and truly gorgeous. I get so excited when people can immerse themselves in the stories and photographs we bring back from our trips. I've signed an agreement to work on some new projects for Quiltfolk's publisher and I'm excited to share more about them later.

Quilt on!

And thanks for your continued support,


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