Rough Cuts (Unpolished, unpublished poem ...

Rough Cuts (Unpolished, unpublished poems #522C)

May 15, 2022

As I continue putting together this collection of poems, I realize it will have no theme. In the past, I have attempted to write with a theme in mind, only to find I never have enough to say on any single topic to complete a collection. This time, I simply plan to be open to inspiration, willing and eager to go in the direction of any poem that calls, happy to follow it to completion on the page. This means there will often be no theme to the Rough Cuts I post, as is the case this week. These are just a couple of first drafts from the past week.


Photo: Michal Vrba


The trees are all happy here,

with no predators but man

and everything they need.

They are so happy in fact,

that they often break spontaneously

into synchronized dance,

apparently to wind songs

we are too busy to hear,

too civilized to appreciate.

And oh, how beautifully they dance,

glorious in their suits and gowns,

each a different but equally stunning shade of green.


And every time the trees dance,

wherever I am,

my soul flies off to join them,

laughing, twirling, swooping,

drunk on joy

as it flitters and flutters from treetop to treetop.


Copyright 2022 by M. E. Forbes.


Photo: Caleb Woods


He said she,

having changed so much,

was the reason.


She said he,

refusing to change at all,

was the reason.


Their daughter said


knowing everything

had changed forever,

and certain

that she

was the reason.


Copyright 2022 by M. E. Forbes.

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