This week's Rough Cuts are two different takes on love, a topic to which I would like to dedicate a collection of poems some day.
Photo: Jeremy Bishop
Your damn disarming smile
displaced in an instant
with such devastating force,
all reason,
throwing me so violently
against the edge of my reality,
that all I am now
is the sole victim
of an endless landslide,
by the salty metallic taste of desire
and the clawing of lightning behind my eyes,
the whips of this primal need
for you
and the raw awareness
that it will rip me apart
until I am but a stain
at the base of your altar.
Copyright 2021 by M. E. Forbes
Photo: Gabriel
This is where he went
that night
after your last fight
when you said
things you didn't even know
you felt
and still can't admit
you meant,
when you told him to get out
and stay out,
when you wouldn't answer his calls
except the last one
only to tell him
you never wanted to talk to him again.
And you never did.
And you never will
because this is where he went.
Copyright 2022 by M. E. Forbes