Journey to younger self | In Structing ...

Journey to younger self | In Structing & Tools Tricks (example)

Nov 30, 2023
22:55 | MaxiM Maji' WhiteFeather | Scalar Wave Runner | Rewriting trauma by visiting the one that did not have the tools to cope or deal with whatever presented itself or occured or was done to / experienced etc. Most of our traumas are still existing as they were never discovered / treated ... My traumas or intense experiences in early childhood could happen as I did not know how to defend myself or to speak up for myself ..we were taught to be afraid of other people and not trust to easily, don't speak to strangers etc..If we knew how powerful we were back then life would have gone complete a different route. We can still alter that feeling and belief or beliefs feelings emotions .. we can go back in time to our younger version and give it all it needs to deal with all kinds of things / situations / people /events... In that way we kind of back track to a timeline that still plays out, all timelines all still IS happening because there is no we go back to that point in "time" and if we succeed we not only alter that moment but it goes back in time from there on and into future time at the same "time" / so if it still is happening then that is why we still suffer as well.. part of us is still trapped there..not any longer... Rewriting our past is the key to end the suffering in the now. We can go forward and backwards as there is no time really, all is happening now and so we can change it by IN-structing it differently NOW, we give our younger self the tools it did not have or know about and we change the timeline from thereon backwards and forwards.. I have done this for my self and with others and with some pretty interesting results, immediate results/effects. Journey to younger self to close contracts and innerstand painful stressful scary etc events (traumatic) on a new level and transmute the old view into something we can use and accept as part of experience. To innerstand why certain events take place in our lives, or why things happen to us seemingly, or why we get sick ill depressed etc. we need to look at where it started, it all has a root and also the archons and other controlling collectives know this and so they will use these experiences as gateways to keep harvesting your energy prana life force; Quanta. Mostly the younger part of us, which still is alive as time does not exist and so it is still happening to that aspect of our self, never got the right tools or information on how to protect itself or how to be just itself and speak out for itself, in my childhood we did not speak back to ur parents or ask uncomfortable questions, that was rude! Honesty was punished... Most of these experiences happen during the early years of our life 0-8 sometimes 10 11 depending on how quick or slow the child is developing emotionally and mentally. Of course later in life intense events can leave their mark(s) and so yes that also would be considered traumatic as it is absorbed into deep levels on cellular level and emotional/mental etc... And then there are contracts we have with certain other beings locally on this planet and beyond this realm, higher dimensional contracts that can be ended or terminated or even fulfilled with a certain consciousness / attitude. download audio file here or listen on soundcloud: bookings
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