My guest today is magic. Literally.
Romany Romany (no, I haven’t made a mistake!) is a world class, headlining female magician.
The ‘Diva of Magic’ has previously won the World Magic Awards in Las Vegas, been the Magic Circle Stage Magician of the Year, and featured on the hit TV show: Penn & Teller, ‘Fool Us’.
TIME OUT Magazine once described Romany as: “...a flamboyant hybrid of Bette Midler and Mary Poppins... a fascinating razzle dazzle mix of magic, comedy and intelligent glamour...”
If all that were not enough stuffed rabbits inside her hat, so to speak, Romany is also a spectacularly gifted writer.
I initially picked up Romany’s book, ‘Spun into Gold’, to flick through as research for this interview. The gorgeous prose and heart pulling story that lay waiting for me inside was as unexpected as it was hypnotizing. 'Spun into gold' has become one of my top five ever reads.
Anthony Owens, Producer of Derren Brown TV, said this of the book: “Bold, brave and beautiful. This book might just change your life. Romany is handing you her sunlight. Take it.”
This episode has been one of my favorite to record to date. The more times I listen to what Romany has to say, the more I get out of it.
She’ll work her magic on you, too. You’ll see…
As ever, we hope you enjoy this episode.
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Until next time.
Lots of love.
Matt and the team x 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻
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