Is That An Original 1549 Matthew Bible!?

Is That An Original 1549 Matthew Bible!?

Mar 03, 2022

"Is that an original?" Yes, it is. Today I was honored and excited to translate directly from the original 1549 edition of John Rogers' Matthew Bible: From a museum to my desk. Thanks to Dr. Lampe, curator of the Bible Museum. He wrote a letter of authenticity to go with this work of art and explained that these Bibles are very difficult to find and are a reprint of the 1537 edition. I am now part-owner of one of the 1549 Bibles. I was informed that these Bibles were printed on 100% rag cotton paper and are about 12 inches tall by 7 1/2 inches wide (304.8 x 190.5 mm). This original work of art was printed on a movable type press - one page at a time. The pages were then assembled and combined for distribution. Perhaps John Rogers or one of his family members actually held this Bible!

Today, I read from Job 37-39. I enjoyed the Matthew Bible wording:

Then spake the Lord unto Job out of the storm

I want to display a page from the Bible somehow in my office. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could display it? I would like to show both sides of the page.

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