1. want a nice guys
Women always follow the herd she doesn't want to look weird in front of anyone So she follows and says what everybody says. But her deep and darkest fantasies don't involve a soft guy and a momma's boy. Trust me she doesn't want a nice guy in her bed.
2. I want a guy who can open up
Never follow this advice. No matter how hard women try to say this, they always will be resistant to a guy who's sensitive If you are sensitive to your woman it's almost equivalent to cvcking yourself Never wear your heart on your sleeve.
🔥 HOT SELLING: Text to Sex Cheat Sheet (Make women FIGHT for your attention in 3 texts or less…)
3. I hate arrogant & dominant guys
You are a complete idiot if you fall for this Women are subtle in communication They would never agree openly they like bad boys because it is politically incorrect Girls try to appear moralistic Look around you, you'll get your answer.
4. Money doesn’t matter
Money doesn't matter. his personality matters. A classic lie. This has been forever through the ages. "I don't care about his status or any other things, what matters is his personality and the way he behaves". Complete bs.
5. He’s just a friend
We all know they are never just friends. It's just not possible. Women want male friends to be back up of the man they are with Become a man she won't even think about having a back up to Learn to command respect. Have boundaries Don't tolerate BS.
The friend is waiting for the slightest opportunity, a small loophole to get inside your girl. You know it, we all know it. If this is the lie she tells you, LEAVE. Never tolerate such bullsh!t from her.
6. My past doesn’t matter
Unfortunately it matters my friend. Her past matters as much as your future does. Your girl may be the most obedient and feminine woman in the world but if you look at her track record and it shows 50+ d!cks it's a big red flag.
Her past is a best indicator of her future Learn pattern indication through her actions. She will show you exactly what she is in the first 2-4 months of the relationship. Accept it and if it doesn't suit your standards, move on.
7. I’m not ready for a relationship
She is not ready for a relationship, WITH YOU! This means she is not ready for a relationship just WITH YOU. If you are single I hope one day you find a girl who is really into you so you understand what a women would do for a man.
She really loves and respects. Girls will move mountains for the guy she likes. No woman in the world will tell "I don't like you" in your face. You have to understand that she is not interested in you.
8. I’m not like other girls
If she says this, she's exactly like other girls my friend. 99% of the women are the same. Learn how to command respect in front of one, and you will learn it for all. She's not special. You are just lonely.
That's why you can't get out of that toxic relationship because you think she's the one. Always hold high standards against your woman.