12 Methods of 'Reverse Psychology' To m ...

12 Methods of 'Reverse Psychology' To make Any Woman beg for You on her knees

Dec 07, 2024

1. Change planned future:

When you speak or tell. Make sure you say things in a prepared manner and tweak them to raise questions in the minds of others. For example, "I thought I'd kiss you now, but now I've changed my mind" will cause them to question why he doesn't want to kiss me; they will think about it all the time until they have an answer, and when anyone thinks a lot about something, they develop an attachment to it for the investment of time they have made, resulting in a form of love.

2. Spark hate first:

Everyone is trying to spark love because they are unaware that women apply reverse psychology. Create hatred for yourself in her mind--she will think and remember you because she despises you, and guys rarely do this to her. You can accomplish so by insulting, ridiculing, deceiving, or using her... Once she starts hating you, just act sorry dont say it and she will forgive you as well as love you.

3. Spark attention being Different:

To make someone think about you. You should act and behave differently. Everywhere there is a crowd and the desire to be the greatest. The distinction, however, is what draws notice. Being distinct from the others. Differences develop more from defects than from strength, because strength is universal and can be found anywhere; your flaws define you. Exude your flaws with style.

4. Count on their illusionary loss:

Create a value for yourself and have them view it in such a way that losing you becomes their loss. Exude prospective and future benefits in an indirect manner. Everyone has greed inside them, and once that greed is sparked, it becomes an attachment. To instill greed, you must sell hopes for a brighter future. Become a dream merchant. And then don't help them or show desperation--it will make them consider what they stand to lose if they lose you.

5. Make them doubt themselves:

Your act, speak, and attitude should give the impression that you are too good for them. They don't deserve a man like you in ten lives. Set your expectations and frequently create barriers for the person you seek, which makes them upset. Constantly reminds them how difficult it is to have your side. They will beg for it.

6. Insult their deepest beliefs:

Everyone is constantly complimenting people on their edge. If she is gorgeous, thousands of people have already told her so, and she will not remember their names. Tell her she's awkward/average/fine/ok, and she won't forget you. Simply put, break a woman's ego.

7. Challenge them for unattainable:

Become the unattainable man. What matters is not what you have, but how you perceive yourself. It's women's nature that they want to attain the unattainable. They look for confidence, not evidence. You don't need to prove to the woman you love that you're the best; simply saying it with confidence will win her heart. Create a sensation in their minds that you are unattainable and that they have no chance with you. In short, act as if you want to friend zone them.

8. Create Separation/ don't let her win:

Every woman wants to have something unique that others can't have and she uses it as a flex to feel special. That is how ego, arrogance, and aggression function effectively. Do things with her that you wouldn't do to anyone else. Reject her things that you would reject everyone else for, don't help her, don't do what she says, refrain from eating to her plate, and then shockingly Allow her privileged access that no one else has. She'll use it as a flex. Remember to never be manipulated, but if you do it occasionally, you will win.

9. Attack on their curiosity:

To pique her interest, create a sense of mystery surrounding you. You must do, talk, behave, dress, style, and say many things while avoiding discussing your past or future and appearing incredibly confident as if you knew everything. Curiosity will take hold, making her think of you all the time because she wants to know why you're like this, why you do this and that--making her think about you directly developing into attachment because of her investment through time spent, and so the love sparks. Like-” i am not gonna marry” This will allow her to think about why. She will probably try hard to change your decisions.

10. On purpose exaggerate your uniqueness:

Explain, radiate, and demonstrate a sense of uniqueness; becoming the best man is impossible since you will be too late in the dating market. You attract high-value girls by being distinctive in your approach, methods, flaws, standards, and everything else. Don't conform to the norm in order to appear cool; instead, do things differently and stand out—remember that the silent man fucks the most girls.

11. Create addiction and take away:

This is also known as Push-Pull. Be too close to her for a while, Torture, tease, look, observe, and praise her. Overall, create troubles for her and make her life horrible. Within a week or two, Take everything back and treat her as if she didn't exist. She will crave your presence and how you keep her busy by creating problems for her, and she will beg for you.

12. Create Urgency:

To create urgency, display your options, flirt with others, spend time with many, and avoid desperation. Talking about random girls and stories might create a sense of urgency in women, leading them to believe they need to get something done right away or risk losing you to someone else.

What's the difference between the guy she ignores and the guy she obsesses over?

It's not looks.

It's not money.

It's not 'game'.

It's something they don't want you to know:

GET 28 Laws Of Attracting Beautiful Women (eBook)

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