Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Id ...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Identity Wounds - 5.5.23

May 13, 2023

I don’t know about you, but I give a sigh of relief as we are now at the Scorpio Lunar eclipse, the last in a cycle that has lasted a year in a half. The build up to this eclipse has been intense, with the purgative energies pressing, pushing, and pulling simultaneously on old programming and limiting self-beliefs leading to feelings of stuck-ness and paralysis, unable to make decisions or take actions for fear of doing it wrong. There has been a prickly energy in the air which has kept people on edge either spoiling for a fight or hiding out. 

With Uranus and Sun in Taurus opposing the Moon, there has been a feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop. The desire to break free is strong which can lead to feelings of anxiety and angst. Especially if you can envision where you want to be but cannot see the path to getting there. There is some old baggage that needs to be jettisoned in order to lighten our load on the journey. If there has been a tendency to hide from uncomfortable truths, we may be faced with it in dramatic fashion. With this comes the potential for complete release leading to a feeling of freedom and rebirth. You mean we don’t have to hold onto that old identity anymore? What a relief!

Venus in square to Neptune and sextile to Jupiter can bring some ease through compassionate communication and a strong desire to be the best version of yourself that you can be at this time. This diffuses friction from turning into potential bombs of chaos. Mars trine Neptune reminds us that there is always a higher path we can take if we choose to act from the heart with empathy for the other. With Mars square Chiron the wound of a great Self unexpressed has been at the fore. The need to heal that identity increases.

The Taurus/Scorpio polarity shows us that we what we all want is authentic connection, a helping and supportive hand, and validation from each other that we are all in this together and we are ultimately going to be OK. There is a greater Hand at work in our lives and in the world and we must do our best to align with That…the I AM THAT I AM. 🙏image

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