Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air

Feb 17, 2022

Spring is almost here. The cleansing rains encourage seeds to wake up and prepare to bloom.

I love springtime. New life bursts from the soil. Trees bud and fill the world with shade. Bears end their hibernation and, well, avoid humans even though they’re awake. I admit, I’ve never seen a bear alive in the wild. But I’m pretty certain they come out of their caves in the spring.

In many ways, spring is my New Year’s Day. I’ve never been motivated to change habits or make new goals on January first. But once the weather warms up, I’m ready to rethink a few behaviors. Watching nature revive itself, I want to start fresh, too.

Join me. Maybe you want to renew your commitment to your New Year’s resolutions. If you didn’t make any (like me) consider setting goals for the year. We all have things we want to improve or alter in our lives or daily practices. Now is the time!

As an author, this is a funny thing to me. All my characters have goals and strive to improve their personality traits or achieve life goals. All the time I’m writing novels, my brain is focused on transformation. I can’t wait until the last ten pages to make the conversion happen. I need to work on it throughout the entire book.

As a reader, would you enjoy a book that was the same story on the last page as it was on the first? No. Readers expect something to happen.

Yet when it comes to my personal life, I procrastinate. Well, spring says, “Stop waiting. Do it now.”

Leave me a comment below and share your goals.



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