Some exciting Stuff

Some exciting Stuff

Dec 22, 2022

Hi everyone, it has been too long since I said hi, I have been super busy with a big order that I couldn't share quite yet. ;)

I have begun adding images of some of my makes in the gallery and will continue adding more. I will make the works in progress and sneak peaks as members only so my supporters will get a first glimpse at what I am doing. This is because I often wait until the client has their items before I post. Especially with big orders or intricate designs. I want you to be able to be there with me through the process, as your support really helps keep me inspired. Thank you all, I really appreciate you.

After I have completed the order, or the customer gives consent, I will then switch those pictures to public. I hope you enjoy the latest pics, just remember if it is private, please don't share. Thank you.

Here is a picture of another of my creations. This was a custom order that went to Australia. She was made using the Punkrock Demonita doll pattern.This really challenged me and taught me some new skills, it took many hours and several bouts of curse words.

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