Maria Foy
157 supporters
Changing Medication And My Break From So ...

Changing Medication And My Break From Social Media

Aug 15, 2023

Well these past few weeks have been hell, to say the least.

I’m currently going through a medication change - weaning off Citalopram and going onto Venlafaxine. As of yesterday, I have stopped my old medication and on Friday I will start the new one.

It’s been quite the ride; my emotions are all over the show and the heart palpitations are next level overwhelming.

I’m in constant contact with my GP who is aware of everything and after I was particularly unhinged during an appointment with him on Monday, he’s given me something extra to help take the edge off the heart palpitations.

As someone who’s quite self aware, being as manic as I’ve felt, is quite a bizarre feeling.

I know it will get better but this part really sucks.

I miss checking in with everyone on social media and sharing my journey with this, but I know it’s important for me to step back and process this without the criticism I so often get for just being myself.

Just the fact I was on TikTok posting videos elicited the most vile comments from some people stating that I shouldn’t be online.

It was disgusting. And these people were parents too. Telling me I should get offline, and trying to let others know about my “toxic behavior online”. Whatever that means.

It actually broke my heart seeing people be so cruel.

I found the people in question though - saw their Facebook profile. Saw them with their kids. And I felt a deep sadness knowing they have that poison in them and would potentially pass that onto their children.

I will be back with vengeance, and I will be sharing whatever I want in whatever way I want. But for now, taking a break from the criticism has been great.

Even if it does follow me to the oddest places ..

Hope you are all doing okay xx here’s a picture of a booknook I made last week 🥰


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Hell o
Aug 16, 2023
You literally made a TikTok on someone else’s mental health and someone called you on the audacity of it. That was it. You are not a victim here. Beyond that I wish you all the best with your journey.
Maria Foy
Aug 16, 2023
Absolutely and I stand by that video as I wish they would get the help they need. It absolitelu did not warrant any nasty comments, nor yours today.
Hell o
Aug 16, 2023
So it’s okay for you to post publicly about someone needing to get help but not okay for someone to suggest the same for you? 
Maria Foy
Aug 16, 2023
I was responding to their destructive behavior online, which made me extremely upset. I have not behaved in a destructive way, so no, my comments are not hypocritical. And the comments telling me to get off social media were not warranted and tbh were concerning as they seemed a little obsessive 😰
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Aug 15, 2023
your beautiful and your doing the best you can. life is a Rollercoaster of ups an downs and sometimes just pure crazy shit. be strong and keep going . day by day you have got this and when everything is some sort of normal 4 u get yourself back doing what your amazing at. BEING YOU!!! Sending you postive vibes from this stranger 2 someone I'm happy 2 say I love following.
Aug 15, 2023
I'm pleased you are taking the time to look after you.  Miss your beautiful face on social media and will look forward to you coming back when you are ready. xx
Aug 15, 2023
That booknook looks bloody cool!
Aug 15, 2023
We will be here from you when you're  back on social media. Been thinking of you every now and then. Miss your daily updates and stupid memes

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