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Age of Aquarius?

Age of Aquarius?

Jan 08, 2021

Hello friends and fellow star travelers! It's January 8th, 2020 and boy, this year has started out with a bit of a bang hasn't it? Two days ago a group of people (there is still questions around who exactly this group consisted of) stormed the US Capitol Building and caused quite a scene. I decided not to really say much about it here, you can go back and read my January post about that, but just know that even as we continue though this rest of January and more events happen, you are safe and loved and always supported by the Universe/God/Energy/Love, whatever you choose to call it yourself.

With that being said, I would like to look a bit more into the future and talk about the "Age of Aquarius". No doubt you have been hearing rumblings for months about how we have moved into the Age of Aquarius starting in 2021. Firstly, let me say that this topic is a bit controversial and there is really no definite date or start time to the Age of Aquarius. Many people have different opinions and ideas on the topic, so just keep that in mind. In my opinion, the best thing to do when it comes to this "new age", is just to think about what the energy of Aquarius embodies. I've gone into that a little in previous posts but I will touch on a few of those things now:

  1. Science. Aquarius energy is very related to science and knowledge. Aquarius is actually considered one of the more intelligent signs. This is a good thing and means we as a collective are moving more towards intelligence and logical thinking.

  2. Outside of the box. While Aquarius is very logical and intelligent, it is also very aligned with things like astrology and aliens. I know, I know! How can someone believe in aliens AND be logical minded, right? Well, we can. We have lived in a very polarized society up until now where people thought things were either black or right, republican or democrat, male or female.... and I'm sure you're seeing this, but the lines are being blurred. We are seeing that there is more of a spectrum to life. You can support the police AND also support black lives matters at the same time. Things are not either/or... things can be a blend.

  3. Being unique. Aquarius energy enjoys things that are different and unique. Aquarius is that person who is wearing clothes that are either really different and strange looking OR they have an outfit that they got at a small boutique store that no one has heard of and no one else has the same thing. Aquarius is all about being your unique self. This is the big lesson for now and going forward, BE YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT. This is why we see so much healing going on in the world right now; because a lot of people have fallen into the trap of thinking they have to be a certain way, look a certain way, weigh a certain number, have a certain job, or make a certain amount of money, and unfortunately we have all been so hard on ourselves for this and criticized ourselves. Now we are all learning that we are different and that's ok and there is no cookie cutter way to be a human! We are learning to love the differences (even though it may not look like it right now). So this is me giving you permission to love yourself and your differences!

That is really what astrology is all about in my opinion anyway, learning to love yourself on a deep, deep level. When we look at your birth chart we can see that certain traits and things about you are written in the stars. You have gifts and talents that the chart shows us and you have struggles that we can see as well. When you have a birth chart reading with me, we go over all of those areas so you can see where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and learn to love them and work on them! So, again, as we move forward in this new era, please remember that you are here just to be you and express yourself in whatever way feels best to you! You are here to be your unique self and love yourself! Let me know if this post made you feel any type of way and don't forget to come follow me on Instagram at marcellinaw99 for more fun and follow my daily stories! Have a beautiful day!

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