Terryl Yates
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Early Childhood: edTPA Task Three

Early Childhood: edTPA Task Three

Jul 08, 2024

Whenever someone tells me that they are working on Task 3 of the Early Childhood handbook, I just groan because the Task 3 of the Early Childhood edTPA is a doozy!!!

If you are just beginning your edTPA journey, I recommend this very inexpensive recorded workshop that has accompanying materials. Check it out here.

Looking for Mamaw Yates edTPA materials that work well for Early Childhood? You can find those here.

Steps in Completing Task 3:

  1. Select two focus learners before you record for Task Two - The type of evidence needed for Task Three causes me to encourage you to choose your focus learners before recording your instruction for Task Two. This is because the evidence that you need for Task 3 needs to be collected during the time that you are teaching and recording. In choosing your focus learners, think about the range of ability within your class. One of your focus learners should have a learning need but don't choose someone whose needs are so great that the work is too difficult for them. The other focus learner should be more representative of the ability level of most of your children. It will be important that you have chosen these children in advance so that you can make sure that you get the video recordings that you need for your artifacts. Don't be stressed about choosing your focus learners. Just do the best you can.

    You will be collecting these artifacts from your focus learners:

    • Part A: Video or Audio Evidence of Learning - You need video or audio recordings of these two students that shows evidence of each focus child’s development of language and literacy related to the learning segment. This could be video of the focus learners in a small group setting, one on one session, or whole class.

    • Part B: Observation Notes - You need anecdotal notes that document each focus child’s development of language and literacy throughout the learning segment.

    • Part B: Work Samples - You will need a work sample from these focus learners. This will be a "copy" of their common assessment. It may be an image of their work or a video recording.

  2. Create/Find a Common Assessment - You must give all of the children in your class the same language/literacy assessment. This is what is referred to as the common assessment (because you give it to everyone!). This assessment must be completed by individual children and cannot be a group or class project. This must be authentic work, meaning that you have to have something to show for this assessment - not just a checklist. There needs to be a "thing" that they wrote or drew or made which gives you something to scan as a document or to take a photo of OR it needs to be something that they are saying or doing that you can video record. You'll talk about the class results of this common assessment but you'll only submit the work samples from your two focus learners. You can read more about choosing an appropriate assessment here.

  3. Establish your Evaluation Criteria - You need to define your criteria for evaluating your children's common assessment. I've talked a lot about Evaluation Criteria here. Here's a sample of Evaluation Criteria that one of my high scoring students made for her edTPA. This will become the artifact Part E: Evaluation Criteria, where you submit a blank copy.

  4. Give the common assessment, evaluate it, and analyze whole class learning. As noted, the common assessment is going to be a written or oral assessment that you will give all of your students. Then you will use the your Evaluation Criteria to evaluate the performance of your children. As you do that, look for learning patterns or trends.

  5. Give feedback to your focus learners about their common assessment. It will be important to audio or video record your feedback. I talk more explicitly about feedback here. Since your children are probably non-readers, you will want to audio or video record your feedback. Note: your children do not need to be present when you record your feedback. Although it is nice to see the children this isn't required. Think about it: if your feedback is written, it wouldn't show the child present so why would the child have to be present for the audio/video feedback?

  6. Analyze the all three pieces of evidence of learning that you've collected for your two focus learners. There are three pieces of evidence for each of your focus learners that you will need to analyze in order to answer Task 3 Assessment Commentary Prompt 1. Those three pieces of evidence are the work sample (common assessment), video/audio evidence of learning, and observation notes which I've described above in step one. In prompt 1 of your commentary, you will be using evidence from these artifacts to demonstrate the learning patterns that you've discovered.

  7. Analyze evidence of vocabulary use. Evidence of vocabulary use may come from (1) the video clips from Instruction Task 2, (2) an additional video clip of one or both of the focus children during the learning segment, AND/OR (3) the evidence of learning from Assessment Task 3 (Task 3 Part A Evidence of Learning). When you write prompt 3 on the Assessment Commentary, you will point out evidence of when students used, attempted to use, or struggled to use vocabulary.

  8. Write your Assessment Commentary. You will write a description of your common assessment or a insert a blank image of it after your final prompt is answered. This is Part D Assessment Commentary.

    • In prompt 1 you will be describing learning patterns that you found in your whole class. You will present evidence of those learning patterns by discussing your whole class results, your Part A Evidence of Learning, Part B Observation Notes, and Part B Work Samples. (Rubric 11)

    • In prompt 2b, you will be discussing your evidence of feedback. (Rubric 12)

    • In prompt 2c, you will be describing ways that you could help your focus learners understand and apply your feedback. (Rubric 13)

    • In prompt 3a, you will be discussing your evidence of vocabulary use. (Rubric 14)

    • In prompt 4, you will be consider the learning patterns that you noted in prompt 1 and then describe next steps for your whole class based on those patterns.

Task Three is difficult but you, like many others, will be successful. Stay focused on your pieces of evidence and make sure you understand the prompts and rubrics. If you have questions about a prompt, feel free to ask it in my private Facebook group. You can also obtain private tutoring. Check out the details about receiving tutoring with this link.

Looking for help on Task One? Check this out!

Don't let edTPA Stand in Your Way!

Mamaw Yates

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