As I write this, the Moon has been transiting Scorpio for almost 3 days. Mars moved into Cancer two days before this lunar transit began, and Pluto (in retrograde) returned to Capricorn one week prior.
We are a house full of Scorpios! Matt, Mindy (our Dachshund), and I are all Scorpio babies. Our Tabby Twins, (Luke & Leia), were born 2 days before the official start of Scorpio season, but I swear Luke is a Scorpio through and through, displaying all the stereotypical characteristics 😉😋
So... how has all this Scorpio frequency activation been treating us during this Lunar transit?
We’ve definitely all been impacted!
In the background of this lunar transit through Scorpio has been the frequency of respite. As it will for most of the VOCs this month, Pluto led the VOC for this transit and seems to have taken refuge in the space of home and family. Tying in with the polarity shifts of the last few years, the perception of Pluto being the harbinger of annihilation is no longer resonating. Death and transformation are no longer embalmed with the negative connotations assigned to them in the past. Pluto’s acclimation to to the expansive curiosity, awe and wonder of Uranus’ home space, Aquarius, over the last 7 months or so has activated new perspectives of Pluto’s self-identity.
And so, with the duality of Life and Death no longer rigidly separate, Pluto has been restful within the safety of it’s Scorpio home, before re-emerging to continue tidying up the loose end of the last couple of decades.
All of this - the respite, the shift in self-identity, the awareness of both our physical and non-physical consciousness and forms, and transmuted resolution of unresolved frequency sequences of the last 7 to 15 years - has all been manifesting through Matt and myself.
Potentially, the biggest physical world shift is in our communication. Acquired patterns of thought and behaviour around interpersonal communication between counterparts have been rising to the surface in very quick succession. Right along with this, however, is an increase in Matt’s conscious awareness - and acceptance - of the part of him beyond the physical mind. It is this, more than anything else, that is opening the way for our consciously multi-dimensional existence.
It’s not only us ‘humans’ that have been experiencing this increased depth of awareness. Both Mindy and Luke have shown us they too are developing their conscious connection to energy healing and anchoring frequencies.
Apart from the shifts in communication, our surface-level manifestation during this transit has included many incredibly beautiful moments of experience, not the least of which was Matt tapping into his Time Lord alter ego and dressing up as an amalgamation of several incarnations of Dr Who for PopCon over the weekend. For me the highlight was my daughter’s birthday yesterday. Even though we couldn’t make the trip to visit her as we had planned, I was still able to spend most of the afternoon on a video call with her and got to see her open the presents I made for her - which included a bandana, some scrunchies, and a heart keyring - and I was able to finish a blanket for Mindy while we were chatting, although it seems Luke is also happy to use it.
Overall, this lunar transit of Scorpio has been a wonderful experience for this house full of Scorpios. How has it manifested for you?