If I was waiting for the dust to settle after the Pluto-driven residue release leading up to the September Full Moon, then the post-Full Moon period has been nothing like whatever it was I was expecting.
I mentioned in my last post that a job opportunity had presented unexpectedly. This has been Universe-led from start to finish, I wasn’t even actively looking, and yet the opportunity landed literally straight in front of my face, so I knew it was a stepping stone for my Soul Path.
After going through the motions of on-boarding and 3 training shifts, from the conversations with my employer I was expecting there would be a gradual build up of momentum to increase my hours.
This is not how it has unfolded.
Instead it has been all systems go, and I have been called in for 3 extra shifts this week on top of those I was rostered for. I’m not complaining. I am happy to flow with the unfolding, and am enjoying observing the interaction between my mind and my Being.
I paused here, as a memory surfaced from 2019 which had me searching for words to describe it. The un-named Guide sitting with me tells me that the description of the memory is not necessary, and that the word I am searching for is Overture - the frequency sequence currently playing out/manifesting through this job opportunity, is an Overture.
So…I had to look up what that means, because the vibrational transmission was that of music that completed the last frequency sequence and was the beginning of the next. My translation gets lost due to my limited musical vocabulary, and so I looked up Overture to see if I was anywhere near the mark.
According to Wikipedia, an Overture is “a music instrumental introduction to a ballet, opera, or oratorio in the 17th century.” For me this is right on the money as a description of how the beginning of Pluto’s transit through Aquarius presents vibrationally, and as we launch off of yesterday's New Moon, we now move away from Pluto in Capricorn frequencies and transition to manifesting Pluto frequencies through an Aquarius filter.
Suddenly there is complete peace and happiness enveloping me. Right now, all I need to do is sit back and watch the show!
Multi-dimensionally, I am aware I am all parts of this production - Creator, director, set designer, conductor, Actor etc - but for now I am reassured by this brief glimpse of clarity that everything is falling into place for me on this current Soul Path.
And so, that brings me to the end of this post, which of course is nothing like I imagined it might be, but as always it is exactly how it is meant to be.
I'd like to leave you with the most effective mantra I know - "Thank you for Everything, I have no complaints" - may it also bring you an abundance of blessings 🙏💜🌈
The image attached is a collage of September highlights.