Emerald Organelle Heart Matrix - Secret ...

Emerald Organelle Heart Matrix - Secret Mist and Sister Black Boxes 2025

Jan 03, 2025

Transcript of Emerald Heart - Green Tara Codex

Detoxification Calling for Starseeds - Dream Intel

Video September 2024

Gloria's dream, the night of August 23rd 2024 into the morning of 24th August 2024, contained messages from her guidance system.

She was told that it is now very important to be regularly following a detoxification protocol.

Many of the fae will know this and will have received similar guidance but for those who have not received this guidance, Gloria love was told to pass this information to the fae.

She was told that the next phase of the Overlord plan is to increase environmental toxicity through an AI delivery system of various chemicals. This involves air, sea and land with much innocent and organic structures and lifeforms being utilised as the trojan horse.

Fae detoxification pathways are organically created to handle organic and natural toxicity and the technologically and chemically created and enhanced toxicities are beyond current fae abilities.

However, the aligned, balanced and connected fae will evolve new detoxification systems through a quantum crystalline structure, therefore they will upgrade to hold the ability to handle enhanced toxicity.

The issue here is the time it takes for fae to update their organic systems. For bodymind and mindbody must be fully harmonised in order for the time it takes to upgrade to match the time it takes to deliver enhanced toxicity.

Therefore for those fae not fully harmonised with bodymind/mindbody there will be, if you will, a time lag, whereby the new immunities have not yet crystalised and will be, if you will, vulnerable.

It is for these fae that the dream messages are delivered and only each individual fae will know if bodymind/mindbody are harmonised which will be mastery of body in full health and mastery of mind in full and balanced stargate ascension process.

Those harmonised this way are in a minority placement, therefore the message at this time is delivered.

There are those who believe they hold the full harmonisation but as the mindbody aspect involves trauma pathways and subconscious, buried traumas, there may be a false awareness of harmonisation within these souls. Therefore the recommendations within Gloria’s dream are presented to all those who align with the synchronistic grid that presents this information.

There are those 'missioned and trained' within detoxification pathways and we would draw your attention to these masters. As with all structures the mastery of detoxification is a bifurcated structure, therefore you will encounter the false Wizard in this regard and indeed the true Wizards, 'Masters of the Christed Merlin Path.'

They present for the fae and indeed for the unicorn Kingdom and all the creatures within. For indeed the beloved unicorns within the canine, feline, equestrian, amphibian, reptilian, rodent, marsupial and all other beloved companion unicorn Kingdom inhabitants are also called to detoxification.

Yet the detoxification pathways within the unicorn Kingdoms are, shall we say, more rapid, due to instinctual patterning environmentally and group consciousness connection rather than mastery of mindbody.

For those of you already within guidance and practice of detoxification then we say to you, continue your protocols for you hold the awareness and understanding of what you need.

For those who are intuitively called to the dream intel message, the presentation to Gloria within the dream was regarding the lush green and the many hues of that green, both dark and light.

While the olive, the avocado and the soft leaves are indeed part of such a presentation, it was the concentrated powders and the clean seaweeds that beheld themselves within the vision of fire.

The spirulina, the chlorella, the barley grass, the wheatgrass, the alfalfa, the moringa and all the substrates branching off from the green seeds that remain within alignment to the light of true healing.

The calling is not necessarily a daily regimen but a regular regimen.

This is the dream intel received by Gloria Love.

The Starseeds are called to prioritise regular detoxification involving the green intake as the Emerald Matrix.

We call this the 'Emerald Organelle Heart Matrix' as this is that which contains the codex for mindbody, as the substance contains the catalysation for assistance for bodymind.

The spirulina is particularly favoured due to its ability to create luminous solar lights around the organs of the recipient.

The phase of providing toxicity attempted delivery begins upon your planet in September 2024 yet this is not the first attempt. Each attempt falls short of its mark shall we say, due to the diamond immunity and the crystalline adaptation within Starseeds that create canopies for all humanity.

Yet with the new attempt the assistance is required from the kingdoms of green and there are many and multiple to be found, in each domain, in different forms, in the wild, the uncultivated and the cultivated.

This green intake as 'Diamond Immunity Booster' is the 'Emerald Organelle Heart Matrix' as 'Green Goddess Tara' and this is the message and this is the calling.

Now is the time for alignment to this 'Emerald Fire' and you shall draw this into your life as the etheric consciousness as 'Emerald Flame' to the grounding of the green matter intake.

This is your Emerald Organelle Heart Matrix - Emerald Phire - Emerald Flame, Green Goddess Tara, Luminescent Golden Key to your Diamond Immunity Hexagonal Grid.

The Codex has been delivered and the Codex has been received.

We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine

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