Nomad Life - Help for Homeless Maenads R ...

Nomad Life - Help for Homeless Maenads Requested

Aug 18, 2022

I really hoped it would never again come to this y'all but here we are. I am trying to find a shelter or longer term living facility but the already enormous homeless population of the Greater SeaTac area presently exists at record levels and social services are just about at the breaking point.

Yet I find myself at their mercies nontheless.

I've retooled my otherwise ignored Buy me A Coffee to serve greater purposes - While I've kept the old infrastructure intact (the bronze level) I'm facing a long period of homelessness; hoping I can get into a program or something longer term before it gets cold this year.

Please look at my intro and consider any asisstence you can afford to give.

A note about Scarlet level support. Scarlet support grants access to the Dreaming Gynoid discord & access to the entire Dreaming Gynoid studio collection. That's many thousands of pages of queer subversive foodie Science Fiction for a ridiculous low price.

For those who cannot afford this but are interested, you can support my patreon for cheap & get many of the same perks

I can recieve any (small or large) amount of monies on my venmo as well.

Thank you for reading.

Many blessings for your support, in any amount, large or small.

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