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PCN - template of a letter to challenge

PCN - template of a letter to challenge

Feb 21, 2024

This is designed to challenge PARKING charge notices and not PENALTY charge notices. With many thanks to Zoe for providing this to us.

xxxx of the xxx family





Horizon Parking Ltd.

Finitor House

2 Hanbury Road



4 November 2022

Reference Number: HP676416

Vehicle Registration Number: xxxxxxx

Dear Sir/Madam,

Appearing as the sole beneficiary and authorised administrator for and on behalf of the fiction Ms Name I am in receipt of your commercial presentment ref HP676416.

I am an honourable woman and am happy to settle any lawful demands or claims that you may have against the fiction Ms Name on condition you supply some basic proof of claim. Proof acceptable to me must consist of the following or your claim against the fiction Ms Name is null and void with no case to answer:

1)    Proof of claim that you have a witness with first-hand material knowledge of the facts who can testify to having been directly injured as a victim as a result of the fiction Ms Name’s actions

2)    Proof of claim that Horizon Parking Ltd. has full title of ownership to the land known as ‘ASDA Wolverhampton – ANPR - TOMC’ fee simple absolute (i.e. free of condition)

3)    Proof that Horizon Parking Ltd. is exempt from the Bill of Rights 1689 and the rule of Law

4)    Proof that Horizon Parking Ltd. is a judiciary in order to administer the law

5)    Proof that the legal fiction Ms Name on 08/09/2022 entered into a contract with  Horizon Parking Ltd. and was given full disclosure of the terms and conditions of said contract and agreed to the terms and conditions

6)    Proof that an offer and acceptance took place at  ASDA Wolverhampton Car Park on 08/09/2022

7)    Know the difference between a legal fiction representing a person and a flesh and blood living human being

8)    Proof that this charge has been lawfully issued if there is no victim and that Horizon Parking Ltd. has suffered harm, injury or loss as a result of the alleged offence of the legal fiction Ms Name

I grant you 14 days from receipt of this Notice (sent recorded mail) to supply the valid proof(s) of claim as outlined above.

Please also be advised that any unnecessary administration that is performed in relation to this case (whereupon you do not supply the aforementioned proof of claim) will be charged at a standard rate of £50.00 per hour.   The initial fee of £100 comprising of 2 hours labour at the aforementioned rate will be waived if valid proof is supplied within 14 days.

 Yours Sincerely

 natural woman

 Without Prejudice, ill will or vexation

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