The Apocalypse Knight & The Fake Life Rapture
The beginning of my story takes you back to the incredible
ancient times of prophecies and primitive laws that still echo,
however sophisticated, in our modern society. The bad seeds of
our good civilization were first cast across the arid plains of the
Middle East. Finally, dreaming about an oasis of eternal life, the
Jewish race stopped taking off, too burdened and paralyzed with
faith, blinded by the light, their religious ravings driven half-mad
by sunstroke and isolation in the desert of relative death.
I resemble a Jew, but I am not. My parents, having
procreated such a dazzling crossover breed of Roman-Catholic
and communist-atheist, deserve as much acknowledgement as
Original Sin.
Therefore and thus I have grown up as the Apocalypse
Knight awaiting the end of the world with glee, battling for space
in an era of cultural depression, a millennium of darkness,
squalor, and misery wherein I promise the imminent Apocalypse
will bring you all minions and hermits your just desserts as
immortalized torment, or fun if you please.
And where and how and why does this all end ? Only does
the Tailor of my fate know !
As for the Fake Life Rapture, the latter and the former are
benevolently interrelated. I, the humblest envoy of mankind made
of good spirits trapped in bad prisons of flesh using a little bit of
viced mind, have proven my virtue in combat by murdering
Boredom, accordingly attaining the dizzying heights of my selfcentered psalms through the abysmal depths of my overpowering
feelings on the way to die.
If you are my implacable opponent due to my legendary pop
deeds, some of which actually happened, I really challenge you.
Dissent is an important aspect of the demonic. Moral radiation
makes it hardly easy to contemplate . . .
LIBOR SOURAL 1994 - 96