Hallo an alle Deutschlerner! (Hello to a ...

Hallo an alle Deutschlerner! (Hello to all German learners!)

Nov 10, 2021

I am very happy to be here, thanks for joining!!

About me: During the beginning of this pandemic I looked for a new way to teach German (next to the regular teaching job I still do in the academic field) just to keep myself busy and somehow sane. I am sure you know what I mean.

Now my channel is growing and I could not be happier! I have many ideas and projects and soon I will add a new segment. Everything costs a lot of time (I am a one-person-production) and being a private language coach also, time is literally money ^^'

I honestly teach you the way I would like to learn. With no stress and a structure that gives you the bits and pieces that you need.

Thanks again for supporting me and I hope, dass wir gut zusammen Deutsch lernen werden. Gebt nicht auf!

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