Hello friends!
Welcome to Buy Me A Coffee, or in my case...a TACO! I sure do love the idea of grabbing a coffee together because it usually involves some intentional conversation, and some laughter if we're lucky. It's nice they allow me to live in the Pacific Northwest since I don't like coffee. Tacos are way more fun and you can still talk and laugh while eating those.
Hey, you're the first to know I've given myself a deadline, and a promise to you. My book is broken into four sections. The first two are ready to go (after one last review) and section three has been waiting for me to update. My editor sent me her notes weeks ago. I will have this section completed by Thanksgiving. There, now you have something to hold me accountable to.
Be sure to follow me to see these updates.
This is part of what's been distracting me. We had a gorgeous fall and I took some time to hunt down the colors. I wish I could sit here and hang out with each of you and talk. Doesn't this look like a great place to chat?