Nay to the New Year

Nay to the New Year

Dec 30, 2021

I see many are excited for the new year. Every year, many look forward for a new start, new goals, new resolutions. And yay for that!!! I have no clue why I am so backwards (maybe past issues 🤔) who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ we can sit around all day trying to figure me out.

I usually don’t want any year to end, even when I’ve had a bad year. Parents divorce, my own previous divorce, making bad choices 😖…. I want to stay in that year and just make it better. Change things at the moment. Make better choices now. Or focus on positive goals now. And then it gets closer and closer to the end and I’m like, “Nooooo I need more time”.

I’ve come to realize that we all need more time. I can’t slowdown time, right? So, I need to make better use of it: plan better, rest when needed, enjoy each unique moment. Instead of focusing on new beginnings, i also want to think about the accomplishments of this year. Some are: new friends, staying in touch with family much easier, seeing our business grow, seeing my family grow closer together, accomplishing some spiritual goals, decent health….

What are some of your accomplishments that you are happy about for 2021?

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