Ohayo region- Poliwag line

Ohayo region- Poliwag line

Nov 13, 2022

First fakemons of the year ! This time based on the cryptid loveland frogman and the swamps of the Ohio states. I had A LOT of fun playing with this regional variant !   

-Poliwag| Grass/Normal Type
The Tadpole pokemon

Ohayoan Poliwags had to evolve to the harsh stormy climate of the region, as they slowly grew a resistance to electricity, they leave their swamp habitat whenever a storm occur. Being easy prey, they use foliage to hide themselves whenever they are exposed.

-Poliwirl| Grass/Normal Type
The Tadpole pokemon

The lily pad they used to protect themselves became part of them. it isn't uncommon for algae to grow out of it. Not only do they use it to carry things with them, but this hat makes it easier for them to hide both in and out of the water.

-Poliwrath| Grass/Electric
Type The Tadpole pokemon

Poliwrath's used their resistance to electricity to their advantage, they harnest the electricity in the air to get back to the pokemons that bullied them in their juvenile form. A lot of people mistaken this pokemon for a wandering human in the night creating myths around them.

-Politoed| Grass/Normal Type
The Frog pokemon

This pokemon is often referred to as the sage of the swamp. It use the algae of their hat to heal injuried pokemon. It isn't surprising to find him carrying berries on his lilypad to help feed hungry travelers and pokemon alike.

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