Ohayo region- Irodent line

Ohayo region- Irodent line

Nov 16, 2021

A collaboration with my dear friend Alainaprana and her lovely husband from the Loading Crew! This Region wouldn't be if it wasn't from them! Lore will be added soon enough but for now, enjoy the art ~

Last of the route 01 pokemon ! The rodent of this region is a porcupine ! It was really tricky but I'm happy of how this one turned out. We wanted inspiration from heavy metal for this one, and I think I managed to pull it off.

- Irodent| Steel/Electric Type
The Porcupine pokemon

Irodent is small but fierce, his quills made of strong iron, this rodent won't hesitate to charge to keep bigger pokemons at bay. They gather charge of electricity in the air to release unpleasant but harmless static charge.

- Metalipine| Steel/Electric Type
The Iron Head pokemon

This strong fighter gather so much electricity that the charge move from one quill to another which developed in them a peculiar musical hobby between them. They are full of energy and love a good battle, musical or not.

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