Ohayo region- Frostit line

Ohayo region- Frostit line

Nov 16, 2021

A collaboration with my dear friend Alainaprana and her lovely husband from the Loading Crew! This Region wouldn't be if it wasn't from them! Lore will be added soon enough but for now, enjoy the art ~

What's a region without it's bird pokemon! Frostit was obviously inspired by the Cardinal who's a hivernal bird. Most of my inspiration for this design was coming from the frozen berries that they eat through the winter.

- Frostit| Flying Type The Tiny Bird pokemon
 Very small, Frostit is in constant danger in the wild, cities and parks are the favorite playground as they get to feed from humans on a daily basis. They live in small group to be safe from predators.

- Nestinal| Flying/Ice Type The Defiant Bird pokemon
 Growing nearby humans, they became extremely territorial, pecking back at other pokemons who dare touch their food. Nestinal will often freeze berries to makes sure that no one will get to them before they do.

- Frostgale| Flying/Ice Type The Frost pokemon
 This pokemon is elegant, as it flies snow follow for a short moment. It loves the presence of humans and will gladly offer them a nice refreshing breeze in exchange for food. They are especially kind to children.

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