Ohayo region- Fawna line

Ohayo region- Fawna line

Nov 14, 2022

Last of the fossil, Dunkleosteus Terrily was basically the same fish part they used for drocovish and articovish, so I decided to complete the boy and give it a pre evolution to complete the elemental trio and I can say I'm pretty happy of how they all turned out.

-Fawna| Flying/Water Type
The Fawn pokemon

Fawna are very very clumsy on their feet, despite of it they have a very bright and cheerful personality. Small and weak, if danger is nearby, they will hide in tall grass and remain immobile no matter what.

-Faedir| Dragon/Water Type
The White Tail Deer pokemon

Overconfident, they love head butting and prancing around. Light on their feet, they will compete against other Faedir, making it a game a strenght. People often hunt them for the value of their golden hooves that is said to have healing properties.

-Golderon| Dragon/Water Type
The Guardian pokemon

Often called the king of the forest, this pokemon's golden hooves makes vegetation grow under every steps, they can even walk on water. Sighting them in the wild is often good sign that the forest they inhabit is healthy. Small pokemon will often ride their back where they feel safe.

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