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Ohayo Region- Buckeat line

Ohayo Region- Buckeat line

Dec 06, 2023

Welp... only a few more and I can truly say it is completed... This mon is inspired of a signature dessert in Ohio called Buckeye, so I decided to make a mon that looks like buckit~

-Buckeat | Fairy/Ground Type

The Treat pokemon

This little pokemon taste extremely sweet and savory which makes it a tempting prey by bigger pokemon. It use it's sugar craving to create a shell to look like Buckit who's extremely toxic in order to dupe them.

-Treaster | Fairy/Ground Type

The Sugar Mage pokemon

If cared by it's trainer and given enough sugar, Buckeat evolves into Treaster this jovial pokemon love to use it's ability to create sweet to make delicious dessert to either befriend or distract. They love to entertain.

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