Kehbek region- Smollen line

Kehbek region- Smollen line

Dec 08, 2024

I needed one more route 01 fakemon for this region, and I remembered a species very common were I live, vole or more commonly called field mouses. They are extremely small and loves to borrow in our garden so I had the idea of making a little pollen spreading mouse sprite that retreat into it's flower whenever it feels treatened.

#023 Smollen | Ground/Fairy Type

The Pollen Mouse Pokemon

Smollen are extremely small, they pick flowers that serves them as hat to shield them from the sun. While many sees them as pests that invade garden, their fuzzy body collect pollens that help propagate plants of many kind, they are very good pollinator.

#024 Volenome | Ground/Fairy Type

The Garden Mouse Pokemon

When a volenome picks a garden it is a sign of good luck as they take care of it through their entire life span. They make sure their garden is in good health and protect them from pokemon that tries to either eat it or destroy it. Their pollen spore effect varies from extreme itchiness to drowsiness.

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